Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

If grief were re-routed..wait the bridge is will have to climb

supercilious should be read and hugged...he is having a rough day today...

and I want to also bring attention to two other people I love very much

obi-char and sarcoma

i dont know any other way to be but the way that I am so here I am as is up and down (yes Victor Frankl..peaks and valleys...)Im in such a weird state. I have an urgency to get everything organized. I feel so ill. I dont know if it is diverted melancholy...or genuine sick ness.

today I want to sit in the corner and watch everyone have fun. I want to bring out the food and watch you all be made well. make well love. make love well. I want to fill the empty coffers with money. I want to ease the uneasiness. I want to be the gypsy in the center dancing.



12:19 p.m. :: 0reverb, ::
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