Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

He's got an ak47 for his best friend..he's building Empire..east side meets west side time..the Walls come you hear it calling? -Queensryche

well Im on my way out the door to go and slave away my day for de man so let me say this quickly:

mr. bush..I want to believe that you have those young people in mind when you issue your edict. gee..when will you start it? 2pm...4pm...or are you going to just bomb the hell out of the iraquis?

god I think i spell as bad as you do george. I want to believe that you realize your stupid bluff didnt work. I want to believe that this is all a bad dream and that you really arent going to throw us full scale into a terror war when 98% of your citizens are UNARMED. I wish I was a better writer. Do you see this look on my face? Do you see the swell of emotion in my gut?? I have a long ramble that will have to wait.

as much as I try to see the pro side I always end up over here with my con side....

I just pray not too many soldiers lose their lives.....


Jen the dissenting patriot

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