Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

You're beautiful...You're Beautiful..Its true

2006-02-28 I am. want to sit for a while and just watch me SLEEP?

I am. Defeated. But. Making. More. Money. which will help me buy a car and help my mother which really...i guess..are the only reasons that I work.

oh. well. that and books. And Shooooooes!

You know I shouldn't complain. The Truth of the Matter that I am A competitor. It is an aspect of my nature I have loathed these many years. I mean its not really Nice to be competitive. But. I am.

And this business that I am alot like a college basketball game. I am the coach that has been handed a losing team and it's up to me to win the season or this team is dissolved. for good.

I want to win. I like winning. But alot of people don't think that I can do this. They are right when they say maybe we aren't a team to contend with.

But if Duke can rise to the top so can I.

anyway. There was a beautiful entry in my mind about 3 days ago highlighting the corelation (sp?) between sport and my line of work. But its not there.

I need Jason to write that for me.


so How are all of YOU?

The Most beautiful Paragraph I Have Read Today:

I tend to believe that the principal reason art galleries are popular is because they're the only place we're allowed to actually stop and look at things (and pictures of things, and people) without being embarrassed, slapped with a restraining order, or (usually) sold something. Duchamp's genius was in realising that people would actually quite like to look at a urinal, but it's really not polite to stand around a public lavatory studying the fittings. -Stuart F.

I am the lone art gallery haunt. No one else I know ever wants to go. It is a Zen experience for me...for the precise reason that Stuart notes...I can stop and Look. That is how is found in a world filled with trouble.

you can read the rest of his entry Here,

Love and Peace to all of you!


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