Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

entry for 23 november 2005

talking too much
getting advice
taking advice
digging on good people
watching her go
getting locked out
having a beer
savoring the condom paragraph (Otto Dix Less,)
hoping the words never leave my conscious mind

soy nog
soy nog
soy nog

its the best stuff Ever.

my nano book? its been sacrificed in a very tragic fire which took place in my trash bin. (well its a great image right?)

chris got an xbox 360. It is quite possible that he is still playing it right now.

Tomorrow Thanksgiving will be a comfort zone for a friend that lost her father. About 3 hours ago...he passed away.

Hampton U students are facing expulsion for protesting George much for free speech in America.

I want to go visit people..bring them baked goods and walk the neighborhoods...looking for the best decorations.

wanna go?

Love and Peace


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