Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy


It was 1945... The Battle of the grandfather was in a foxhole with two other guys..they were surrounded with little to no ammunition. He was a member of the 104th Infantry Division. Thoughts of his wife,baby girl patricia, and the mysterious child still growing in my grandmother's womb rolled like dim echoes in his mind.

He was born in 1917 somewhere in Sicily to a family of farmers and fishermen. He loved to ride horses; it was a passion that his oldest daughter would grow to emulate. He laughed alot. He was warm and loving. stubborn and compassionate. He loved life. He told his wife that he was going to war so that his children would be proud of him...he wanted them to know that he stood for something. And ..he loved his hats...he could really wear one well.

Niagara Falls...that sound that you could hear anywhere in the city..melted into the sound of yells..and whirring shrapnel.

He sat there clutching his weapon saying his prayers and keeping his eyes sharpley on the 18 year old boy ducked down in the mud of that foxhole.

They were surrounded.

Suddenly, with a lack of growing alternatives, that 18 year old boy decided that he would run across the field pulling all of the fire towards him while the others made a run for it. My grandfather,Alfred, nodded. And as the young man began to rise Alfred grabbed him with all of his force (for such a diminutive italian fellow) and threw him back in the hole.

My Grandpa ran across the field and was shot to death by god knows how many nazi soldiers. The hour of their terror was drawing to a close and they poured all of thier fierce energy into his shattered body.

He was the only member of his infantry to die that day.

Today I would like to honor him and all those that believe in something worth dieing for. I would like to honor the fallen of Iraq especially today.

2000 american soldiers dead. Over 30,000 Iraquies dead. Lives are being altered forever every second that this war goes on.

Im not going to tell you what I think of George Bush or his administration or of all of those people that passed resolution 1441.

Karma. thats all i have to say.

Today I want to encourage you to ponder what Real Freedom entails. More than bloodshed and requires a strong and present citizenry.




the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands is Now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.
-Thomas Paine

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