Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

so much more

My great weekend:
1a.Chris thoughts. many of them.

1b. new chair from pier 1
2. new curtain for bedroom from pier 1
3. Ice Cold Chardonnay
4. Fielding calls from work
5. My plans for overall liberation from Corporate Oppression dashed when I realize I need More money to survive not less...
6. More haircut plans
7. Great journal entry which now completely eludes me.
8. GW was here. ho hum. What.Ever.
9. Who are you exactly?
10.I thought about going out to dinner,seeing a movie, and then getting a drink all on my own...but...Im not in the mood for that.
11.Almost Halloweeeeen!
12. I will be lady in black with sunglasses---leaving the interpretation thereof completely to the viewer.
13.OH yeah...I re-organized my booshleves as I added some new additions (virginia woolf Orlando and Zadie Smith On Beauty)
14.more chris thoughts
15. sitting here now
16. gazing at the lovely sunshine and soaking up the breeze.

I hope everyone is well

love and peace


4:09 p.m. :: 0reverb, ::
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