Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

with nothing to lose there is nothing lost

2005-10-23 according to this test I just took...Im creative and I need to find a career that suits my creative, scientific side.

I just want magical powers. And you know I would use them for good. You know this. I just don't know how that is going to work out. lovely resplendent day nice...I turned my cell phone off, slept, ate amazing food from Panera Bread (oh my god shut up it is Amazing) drank a late night cup of black coffee and read alot.

Total Chill Day...and it was mucho needed.

Tomorrow after laying on the floor with my dog and watching the sun travel around the floor...Im going to indulge in a Sunday New York Times and a starbucks coffee; I can usually write well when surrounded by activity too so I will bring the Nano scribble book I have going along with.

Im feeling better....much better. I've been thinking...well I wont bother you with all that...


Life is good everything is ok. Im kind of excited to see just how much I can change my life.

Love and Peace


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