Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

Counting Time

2005-10-22 are ya? I got home about 45 minutes ago. Another long night at work. fun fun.

Have you ever been stuck at work and just wished someone was there just to talk to? Just to keep you company to help the time pass?

Imagine that it is 11 pm..and you are wondering...hmmm...who is up this late? Should I really bug my west coasties on a friday night?

I was having one of those nights and just when I was really feeling blehhh my cell phone made its little noise and it was a text message......From the Steven Goldman,!

He is the fellow that writes Styx Taxi,! How Cool!

Yesterday I received my third and quite beautiful Latest Styx Taxi graphic novel. It is worth a me.

The cover art is done by Steven's brother Dan, and the art inside for the graphic novel is by a fellow named Rami Efal.

I had this realization on my way to work....driving...that something might happen to my car. Every time I get my new ST in the mail....Im ususally taking a cab to work (reading my new book all the way) problems this time..:)

Well anyway... Steven saved the day....because tonight..he broke up the silence and with every gift that he and dan and rami share...

my heart grows. They are self publishing did I mention that????

give them a look...spend $7.

Support the Home Grown Artists :)

Love and Peace


12:44 a.m. :: 0reverb, ::
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