Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

Loaves and The Fishes

Hi is everyone doing? I havent been up to much besides working and thinking about hurricanes.

the local paper,The Daily Press, did an excellent series of articles on saturday and sunday. The most compelling to me was the article that listed all of the nations zooming in to help out. Among them? Sri Lanka.

Yes. Poor Devistated Sri Lanka. How amazing is that? They have two loaves of bread...and they are willing to slice them up and share it with us...a "wealthy" nation.

Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Jamaica, Guatemala (despite the fact that Survivor stomped all over thier sacred cities), and the list goes on....

Over 50 Nations total.

When will we realize...on those ordinary days...that we are indeed just one planet.

one people.

Love and Peace Folks


Habitat for Humanity, and The Humane Society,

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