Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

just ignore me

I dont really have anything to say. Im so bored. and everything today...i.e. in dealing with people...totally sucked well....anyway...

Read This, Instead. its more worth it really.

For those Styx Taxi Fans...Good News...the next graphic novel is getting worked on!!!! Read about it Here,!!!

Alot has happened in the world lately:

1. I didnt watch George Bush..I didn't read anything about it.

2. I prefer listening to what the President of Iraq University has to say and he was on the BBC Yesterday morning. "Bush believes he should be able to stay here as long as he likes...he thinks he can do as he likes...and that is all that he thinks..." amen.

3. Change never comes fast enough when you want it to; but its always thwarted upon you when everything is exactly how you want it.

4. Im sure there is a long post in there somewhere.

Duende...where are you. god...where are you. are way too quiet.

love and peace

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