Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

An Open Letter To George Bush

Dear George Bush,
Wow. I have to hand it to you George; You have really gone to such great lengths to ruin alot of lives. Thanks Alot. I dont know if you watch PBS. Oh Wait. Of Course You don't! You'd like to cut 45% of their funding to draw money to your big party that you and your corporate lackeys are having in Iraq!

How stupid of me to think that you might want to support something like PBS or NPR...they are constantly unvieling what a Horrible Monster you have turned out to be.

But hey. that is no surprise to me..I didnt vote for you. No. I voted for the other guy. Even though I didnt think that the other guy was that Super...I did think...that he was better for my country than YOU ARe.

Tonight on Frontline,, Mr. President, they showed us what is going on over there in Iraq. They showed the faces of the over 300 contractors that you have sent over to Iraq to subsidise your war. They showed the faces of these 300 murdered american citizens.

You and Your Buddies would like to control the media and now you want to control PBS and NPR I wonder why.

The Truth isnt far from our ears Mr President..we knew all of this allready; we knew you have no love or compassion for Americans or for the suffering peoples around the world.

You have not sought to lead this country you have only sought to bring power to the powerful and money to the wealthy.

You disgust me.

You have had such an opportunity to turn things around. Why did you s upp ort free trade with china and now vietnam...two countries where dissidents are murdered on a daily basis? How can You...Mr Super Christian and now force your citizens to support a country like Vietnam where Christians are put into prisons and murdered all the time?

You are the serpent in our have condemned future generations to a lifetime of turmoil and suffering.

America...wake up. time for slumber is over.



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