Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

In so many words....


me: this isnt working out...right..see this

shauna: I was like...what..and she was like...I dont want to do the forms...

me: thats..what..huh?

shauna: yeah so

me: (to myself) I have no clue what is going on at all.

shauna: What?

customer: do these hold up boobies?

later on that night:

colleen: so what do you see yourself doing in 10 years?

me:I see nothing. I see black. its a void.

colleen: you read alot

me: oh my god. its a black hole!

colleen: look at that glass thing on bends..

me: in ten years i will be in a vortex of doom

colleen: you have all those journals why dont you publish them

me: too many books about hapless losers that have no future are out allready...ooooo...terra cotta planters!

colleen: they are so hideous!

me: I want some ice cream.

colleen: just write some sonnets

me: you have saved my life entirely. Im going to write sonnets.

colleen: im going to have some ice cream.

Love and Peace People

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