Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

title-less list of randomly thought thoughts

things on my mind that mean absolutely nothing:

1. tonight I watched a documentary about Air was really interesting and captures so well the deflated feeling I had afer GW won the elections.

2. im very upset about christianity being stolen by extremists who claim to hate extremists of other creeds. it is illogical to me that God would limit himself/ just one absolute label...

3. i think it is entirely possible to be a liberal and a believer at the same time although the media would never say that.

4. i think the media is ruining this place.

5. my boss can be so unrelentingly hateful when she is tired it is unreal.

6. i dont miss people i used to think i couldnt live without. and i dont care what they think of me anymore. i consider this a great triumph.

7. I want some Kool Aid...and I think Im going to make some as soon as Im done here.

8. I never put more than a tablespoon of sugar in my kool aid. heard me...

9. Im afraid most of the time and I have to work very hard to keep myself together. I anticipate the worst of everything....

10. I wasnt always like that. For a while...I was almost fun...:)

11. My favorite tv shows over the course of my life time:
1. Sesame street
2. Mister Rogers
3. Electric Company (but i hated it when Morina Moreno yelled at the beginning..I would leave the room and then come back in. It was on this show that I first saw Morgan Freeman and I fell in love...)
4. Zoom
5. You cant do that on television
6. Nova
7. Northern Exposure
8. Six Feet Under
9. CSI: Las Vegas
10. Frontline
11. Friends

12. I cant sleep right now because Im thinking about my life and that is stressing me out completely.

13. Carie was right...Kav and Clay is a great Freaking Book!

14. There are people that I think of everyday of my life but i never call them.

15. I am now too tired to tell you what Im thinking about.

16. so Off to bed with me.

17. oh wait...yeah..Kooool Aid

be well peoples


that girl

2:08 a.m. :: 0reverb, ::
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