Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

its only been four days?

Yeah so..I have no idea what is going on in anyone's life. How are you people? I made the awful mistake of downloading my xp updates. Yeah you know the one that Microsoft is having so many problems with? Why didnt microsoft warn me about this?

Anyway.....How are YOU? Im ok. I miss columbus. I want to go there and never come back. ever.

I want to get my boss some prozac. I want to work miracle on the strange twisted minds of my family. I want to find my abs. I need new shoes. And I want to take the next steps in my life.

the fucking big ones. or any big one. yeah just a big one. once I find the right freaking shoes. damnit.

what else..what else..what else...OH Yeah....Interpol is out. they sold out before i got a ticket. Oh well. It was a long shot anyway. I was hoping against hope really.

uhm. Brooches are all the rage this year ladies. so ..get a couple. you will thank me.

and the ponchos? out. get rid of them. its all about the wrap and the shrug.

This is my life. and it is so sad.

There is a list of books I want .....but Im saving up my no books right now...

Damnit again!

ok this is boring...but I love ...that should make it ok.

hopefully I will have full pc capabilities I can hop over to blogger it is...this computer won't let me.

Everyone be well hugs hug hugs

I still love idiot-milk


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