Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

The Convention:Udated Briefing

More to report when Im not so exhausted and deafened from too much time spent in airplanes

I met the coolest person in the universe and wanted to do nothing but hug her. She is smart. She is cool..She is Beautiful..She is my hero.

And she has the coolest damn shoes too.
When i grow up I want to be just like her, Bet

I had an Escalator/ suitcase/I almost fell down and died moment too.... haven't lived until corporate types watch you say Shit!Shit! as your suitcase goes tumbling down the UP escalator whilst you trip on your own Feet.

Im telling you. You are missing out.

The Flagship Store in columbus is the most Amazing Thing Ive Ever Seen!

yeah so. anyway. Im fried to the core peoples.

go buy some bras. make your local retailer smile.

Love and Peace

Region 63
Lemming for Da Man

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