Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

13 hours


my mom is fine. she is in north carolina. in three weeks she will have to leave there but she has no idea where she is going.

thanks for the good vibes I appreciate it very much.

my brakes finally went...I had been putting brake fluid in every now and then...but...yesterday...all of the brake fluid was pouring out of the brake lines as I was driving home from work. Im ok. car is at the shop. I am selling any vital organs that might make it easier for me to buy a new-ish car.

I figured renting would be the same as cab fare for work (but not nearly as interesting) so Im driving a kick ass green 2005 ford focus.

to me. this is a lexus. everything works. there is ac. and power windows!

smack my ass its a cadillac...:)

The Casa is steamy tonight; no air conditioning you know....and for two days no internet.

its all of my bad karma. I can accept this if this is the worst that can happen.

Im really going to try and sleep...

everyone be well


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