Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

Tromp Le Monde

In ten minutes my alarm clock will be making the most god awful noise. It's a good thing that I'm awake allready...that worked out pretty well.

Another long day.Another weekend sucked down the vortex of work. It doesn't matter where I work...I would be there all the time.

A customer that had three children made the lovely comment yesterday that, "you must not have children...I can tell.." Well. No. I don't. I told her.

Im so sorry that your hellion son is trying to destroy everything. I wouldn't understand. Im a single woman with no man and no children. What would I KNOW ABOUT TELLING MY MANIAC CHILD TO STOP THROWING CHEERIOS AT OTHER CUSTOMERS.

deeeeeeeeep sigh.

Im so tired of the negative energy so generously handed to me by people that are armed with thier own brand of artifice.

anyway. Im really tired. so I should probably go. :)

I think I need some tea. a shower and some tea.

Happy Friday Everyone

love and peace

6:50 a.m. :: 0reverb, ::
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