Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy


Im trying to remember my weird dreams from last night.

I remember trying to write a note to seastreet about....Boootay...that's the word that got my attention. Dream Sentence Structure is bizarre in my head. For most of my life I would see words but I couldn't read them. Now I can read them...but the sentences don't make any sense at all.

It was like...linen seastreet wonder of lately boooootayyy. and I remember that I was laughing everytime I had to re-write Bootay. I woke up laughing in fact.

I even tried to email him in the dream...I just wanted to write something that made sense.

Dream # 2: I was reading an article Here,

recently and my mind stored it away for a dream. I dreamt that I was watching a vacation video of a friend of mine and then I was flying in a cable car....In the video. I was flying by a restaurant in a tower..on a bridge....a bridge in NYC that was somehow in Richmond and my friend had a really cool Mohawk thing going with his was like...not shaven is no way to describe this. He had hair on either side of the was really kind of neat. And he was with a girl and very happy but when he kissed her he put his hand over her mouth. ? And she had huge breasts. Like. HUGE.

They were both laughing and I thought how great that was and how cool everything was: A Mohawk,A cable car, and a restaraunt on a bridge.

..and that is what I deal with every time I go to sleep :)

Im going to put on some Missy Elliot and clean up this place

Everyone Be well


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