Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

Inner Instruction is stone-to-bone identification intuition..-tibetan buddhism

Heyyyyyyy How's things???

Things here are alright. Im listening to hockey taking place on the tv behind me. Im wearing a white cotton eyelit lace skirt because it's SO WARM OUTSIDE!!!!! Hooorah!!!! The Window is open and the breeze is blowing. The Birds have been happily singing since this morning...and I only had to work 5 hours today. Yay Me!!!!

I don't know where in the heck I'm going to go tonight. but Im bloody well going someplace.

Get outside. You need some sunshine in your retinas.

Peace Love Eternal Sunshine (for my spotless mind)

4:35 p.m. :: 0reverb, ::
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