Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

dots,ghosts,and a little night music

good morning diary...after getting home at 2:35 AM...I fell right to sleep...

I had to do it. He was beautiful. the wine was rich and dark. the night was chilled and mysterious. we found eachother in a room filled with people paralyzed with idle chatter; they looked bored and posed. We felt kinetic...drawn..pulled to a specific center. To say we saw eachother across a crowded room would be so cliche but I can't help it. It was eye to eye old souls. We walked to the balcony doors and went outside. and just stood there. How do i Know You...he is asking me...he with his azure eyes and tussled black hair. It must have been one thousand years ago...I ...still in my work clothes...solid black from head to to hazel eyes blazing with trance like fascination.

Then I woke up. Unfortunately nothing that wonderful took place. But my god..I had to give you something to read dear diary!!!! I was at Work Until 2 am. What else is new You ask????

hmmmm. nothing is new.

but I might just start working on my fiction skills just to lift my own spirits.

Now on to something a little deeper...

A great little book that everyone should run out and read is called Artists In Times of War by Howard Zinn. It is beyond fantastic. It is an edited version of a talk given in Boston in October 2001. You can imagine the fervor as it was done so soon after 9/11.

But you know what? The sentiment and truth of it....are so much more potent now...considering the horror taking place in Iraq. Here is a little sampling...

this is something Eugene O'Neil wrote six months after the Pearl Harbor attack, when the country was being mobilized for war:

It is like acid always burning in my brain that the stupid butchering of the last war taught men nothing at all, that they sank back listlessly on the warm manure pile of the dead and went to sleep, indiferently bewstowing custody of their future,their fate into the hands of State departments, whose members are trained to be conspirators,card sharps, double-crossers and secret betrayeres of their own people; into the hands of greedy capitalist ruling classes so stupid they could not even see when their own greed began devouring itself; into the hands of that most debased type of pimp, the politician, and that most craven of all lice and job-worshippers, the bureaucrats. -e o'neil

I was in the bookstore nodding my head like a lunatic when I read that. I can't even comment...I think that speaks for it self.

The book is only 108 go get it. now. :)

Oh yeah here is something I wrote down in my paper journal yesterday....I was feeling a bit lonesome when I wrote it:


Love and Ms.Pac Man

I feel like ms.pac man. looking back at how I love when I do love when I'm in love. I'm so busy avoiding ghosts. When I love it's like a constant highstrung chomping appetite..chasing dots. But really... I'm just dodging ghosts. And eventually they always get me.

Ms.Pac Man and Pac Man never met did they????? How could they??? You can't run into eachother if you are both always running away.

In other news....

I have a new video card. I'm very happy to know that now my computer will always work when I turn it on. Yay!!!!

I should go...I have some laundry to do.

and for now the sky is blue...

everyone be well

love and peace

Ms Pac Man

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