Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

God put that tree in the garden...I say we burn it...

It's a world gone mad my friends....and we are deep deep deep into what is now an iron quagmyre (sp?)

this...war...this whatever it out of control. and here we are in a petroleum based life. there must be a better way....I know there is. but will we survive the next great change?

it will swing through. alteration. division. Gattica. hold tight to those you love....the world is going to spin faster than it ever has in the coming days.

Politicians are playing games with the lives of soldiers. has it ever been otherwise? No.

I'm so fed up with the Federal Nazi Party.

In other news. work is ok. my family is a slight wreck but everything overall is good.

I am going nuts because I can't journal everyday. I miss this so much and I think of everyone often....

here's to praying for a sick computer...

everyone be well


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