Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

This Just In from the York County News Desk....

It hit me as I was on my way to work yesterday...that The Shrub is the only republican running for President??? What is that all about???

And can someone tell me why Dean is being so elusive about his past decisions??? I'd really like a look at those.

Oh..what else....Transatlanticism really is the best cd Ive heard in a while .....

I saw Don yesterday...I haven't seen him in YEARS...and his young daughter is all grown up...that was the highlight of day...It's always good to see people you miss.

And all day...I thought about GWM who hopefully is snug and comfy.

My computer is still out of Im on limited puter time here...I like to journal at night after work and I haven't been able to do that....

all the thoughts lay jumbled in my head...I don't have (make) the time to write it all down...

so anyway....Love and Peace Everyone

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