Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

Happy and Comfortable

Hi how are u? Me? Im ok...9 hours of work today and then tomorrow off. Happy Holidays to Everyone.

I had a dream last night. I was in a Train Station...a big big one with an incredibly high ceiling. I was on my way through (and the place was empty by the way) and I encountered a plexi-glass wall with all these locked doors. There was a woman on the other side...I was telling her about someone (I have no idea who) that crawled through a small door to make sure she got to her wedding. The only opening I could find on the wall was so small I thought it completely impassable. After a few adjustments I crawled through...effortlessly. It was a very good dream. I wasn't even upset or stressed.....I just made it work and went on my way.

So Everything does work out. Everything will be Ok. If its hard times and change you are facing...its going to be ok. You have made it this far. Don't worry. :) good dream.

At work yesterday..I advised a customer to be Happy and Comfortable...I told her not to dress to impress....but just to be herself.

Its the only way to have a good time.

aneee wayyyy

I just woke up so ...Im kind of out of it.


Everyone Take Good Care!


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