Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

hearing and seeing tossing and turning burning and churning I am the one you lost

I have been bitten by the Icky Sick Bug.


And here is a list of people in my life I would like to smash in the face with a big mud pie:

1. my bro D

2. M and MG at work

3. and well I guess that is it

I will be away from my computer for what looks like 24 hours. What will she ever do without me???

Q and Not U have an ep out...called...The Book of Flags...I have no idea where Im going to find that but I lust for it.

I lust for a lot of things....a lot of moments...a lot of emotional heroin.

I need a hug.

This Icky Sick Bug might do me some good...I haven't the least desire to eat...Ive been drinking water and tea and that seems to suffice.

How is my NanoNovel going? It is in bits and pieces. So far ..its like a long trippy inner dialogue...she rides buses...she rides the metro...she rides in taxis....she doesn't drive...she walks...and every moment seems compressed...

She'd like to fly. But she is only human.

Her face seems to hold this Rufus Wainwright expression...every picture I have ever seen of him..he has this one expression...that doesn't even begin to convey the beauty of his voice...or his depth.

Her counterpart....a chatty overwhelming like some sort of angel...but the main character really keeps her around because she is convinced this cherub has some secrets.

And she wants to unearth them...she wants to unearth life itself...and she smokes camel reds.


stay tuned...maybe a little story worth reading will evolve. bleh I don't know..

so far refusal (the champ the god the almighty) and beagle47 (the shaman the prince my dali lama) have really turned out amazing work....stop by their sites and check it saith I.

everyone should call me tonight and keep me company...Im hanging out with my niece and I just can't play barbies all night. dear god. I just can't. We should make stuff. cartoons and make stuff...


so off I go loves....everyone be well


what a piece of work is a man

how noble in reason

how infinite in faculty

in form, in moving, how express and admirable

in action, how like an angel

in apprehension,how like a god!

-will shakespeare

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