Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

The Oracle

Follow the White Rabbit: Conversation

Me:Matrix Revolutions is showing late Im going to the amc24 after work..

T:omg..Im so going with you

Me: Cool!!!!

T: ok I'll call you later

Me: Yay!! Yay!!!

3 Hours later

Me:(after dialing T's #) Hey!!!

T:who is this??

Me: uh

T:zzzzzzzzz snore snore zzzzzzzzz


4 Hours later

Me: meh. I bet it's crowded

Young Internal Voice: old bag

Me: I have to be up in the morning

Y.I.V: pffft...

Me: Its sold out anyway

So here I am. at home. eating a salad drinking tea and typing an entry. sighs.


Is Neo just another program?? I mean really...was he just designed to come along and destroy the 6th version of the matrix??

"we do what we are designed to do"

I have to say I think that sucks..if In fact..Neo is just another program...


Love and Peace


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