Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

Soul Cab

Last night I took a cab to work and a cab home.

the night driver zoomed like stealth that you can feel. The night air was smooth and warm. all the windows were open.

I took my hair down. I let the wind play with it. I sat back. I gazed through the moon roof. I liked his silence. no music. no small talk.

just driving. and it was the best feeling. I spread my arms out and laid my head back. and he whispered ..."here we are..."

death cab for cutie

It was all so surreal considering I received my Comic Book, yesterday before the day driver pulled up.

and storm clouds darken the sky to so rapidly turn the afternoon into the night....

the knowing that life is mine.

I have been stripped of anyone to blame.

I have no curses or hexes or gods or demons upon which to lay any guilt

I am the sole traveler. the sole map maker. the sole sage. the only one forging the steel...

and blessing the garden...

everyone be well


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