Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

just like I Imagined i know you

Today I was at work.

and I was thinking about a really deck place to see bands play. It's called The Cat's Cradle. The last time I was there was like...last year..seeing The Super Furry Animals. If you are ever in the chapel hill/raleigh area of North Carolina...make sure you check it out. It is next to a video plex way out of the way. It is a beautiful little dive. Im jealous of refusal A. Because he is a good writer B. Because he is very smart and C. Because he is always surrounded by amazing shows (concerts) and he gets to actually see them.

Music is my opiate.

I can't stop listening to Mates of State. They totally soothe me.

It will be a week before my used copy of new wet kojak gets here; Im sure once they are snuggled warmly into my cd player..I will be addicted.

Oh and you know what happened to me today?

Yeah at work. where else? for lack of a long detailed explanation of our shelving hardware..I will just say...the metal thingies we use to hold up the shelves was knocked off the top of another shelf by the ladder I was moving.(I was working on a sale set)...and fell smack onto my forehead. There was like..Bleeding. I just grabbed a kleenex and kept working.

thank god for in-store first aid kits though....a Little advil,some medical tape and some gauze...and my Magical Third Eye..was securely in place. A. ttraaackkktive. :)

my favorite song today: Girl's Singing by mates of state

I love all of you


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