Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

the sounds of my home sound best when Im still

do you hear it? yeah's like completely quiet right? yeah that is what I thought I heard. Yes..there is no denying it. It is Silence I hear. there is like no screaming about discounts. or whining about what she said and she said and blahhhhhhhh. be blahhhhhhhhhh.

Just. Nothing. I saw fire works on the way home tonight. Very Deck. Rain and Fireworks...I drove slow..practically stopped...just to watch...

I have tomorrow off. and I plan on sleeping. I plan on sleeping in until 10 a.m.

then Im making pearberry vanilla soymilk smoothies and grilling veggies and a boca.

I am not answering my land phone tomorrow. nope. $5 bucks says that work calls.

$1 says I will be nowhere to be found.

I want my hair cut. I want a manicure and I want a massage.

I have to figure out how exactly within the next few months Im going to get that.

Im really tired. Im sort of blathering on about nothing too compelling...


so off with me then



have peace in your smile and love in your heart :)

11:18 p.m. :: 0reverb, ::
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