Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

good karma collection day2

guess what? my brother didn't need me to watch my niece after all..he showed up at his pad...but oh wait..maybe he does..he isn't sure. I think Im going nuts.

it is friday the 13th afterall isn't it?

Oh now Im home to pick up a few things because Im going Back to my brother's house because Now he has to go to work. sigh.

But. I Think the Curse of the day (two years ago..on april friday the 13th I had my car accident) Has been broken by girlsdontcry. She has completely turned the day into Absolutely the Opposite of something spooky lurking in the shadows....:)

Im clutching andy warhol. My Life is Much Improved. Thank you sweetheart!!!!! thank You so much!!!

gotta run and play barbies


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