Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

Was I Chastised,Maligned,or just Enlightened:Gravity you Bastard

2003-06-12 are You? Me?? listen to my day...

get to work 5 minutes to 9...not too shabby.

get some coffee,which in retrospect, was a bad bad bad idea.

around 11 get the shakes really badly

11:15am Fall Down whilst talking to the Airborne Express Guy..Literally trip over my feet and a rolling wrack full of padded bras...onto my left calf...I was left with a throbbing leg,shaking hands, a rapid heart rate,and nausea decided to join in too...

Ate some veggies for lunch at 1

Left work at like 5. Nice drive home.

Get in the door...greet and hug my sweet puppy dog...get the leash

Walk 10 steps to the curb and

Fall Again

Proclaim to God and the Neighbors.."What in the World is Wrong with me Today???"

My dog had nothing to say

Now Im sitting here with a scraped knee...a throbbing calf...a bag full of embarrassment,and a new spiritual identity crisis (Im not a new ager...really)

OH and My New Black Crops Are ripped.

boo hoo ;)

Coffee is just bad..nothing good ever comes of me partaking...I thought I could use the energy booster but alas..someone may as well as handed me a handfull of speed (what Are the youngsters calling it these days?) I was so hyped I couldn't sit still At All! So..No More For Me. no way...

Im writing really self consciously today....can't let that one's idea or perception of you should ever weigh too one's perception of who you are should (warning) ever dictate to you...who you are....

so..there is something I want to write. but I lack the courage to do it. one of these days. well anyway...

Im off carefully...ever so carefully...find some dinner..


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