Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy


Today. today was work. work was ok.

nothing too eventful except we made a great deal of money in the mere five hours we were actually open. everything was rushed. but we managed to pull it off...with a new girl nonetheless.

the new girl is sweet. she has attitude. but wouldn't you if you were only 25, on your own with two children and working two retail jobs??

I'll give her room to grow. I'll try to save her from the slips of disrespect which come flying out of her mouth when she thinks Customers arent listening.

Time. Space. God. Predestination. all these themes turned up on JL's blog recently. I think the whole issue can be summed up with the film Dogma. deep huh...:)

If you die...where do you want to go? would you like to go to a real non-existent state? or would you want to be re-united with people..or to some very..good place...where the inclination to harm yourself...or what in itself Non exsitent?? six feet fave show..made me cry and cry is so fragile and wonderful a thing...

Is evil a gene? what is human nature? is it all chemicals,conditioning,and choice?

When people say that they Love jesus. do they really? do they love him? do they take the time to see how he is doing? would they give him a hug if he really needed one? is the holy spirit neglected? Is he walking around in a suit chain smoking camel lights and listening to ...well..who would he be listening to?

I have this theory that God is the ultimate reality show fan...and each of our lives more channell...

Robosapians is on TLC right now. Robots are sooo cool!!! some of my favorite robots....C-3PO,R2-D2,Twiggy (Buck Rogers), and those evil things from battlestar gallactica..with the wandering red eye...they ruled. and remember Nomad from the orginial star trek??? Im sure Im forgetting some..really really great ones. I see robots as being really great for elderly and handicapped know as well as I do...they will be used as weapons. and they will be used as entertainment..and the purity of purpose will be smudged....but I digress...

It is only 10:30 pm and Im exhausted.

my bed has stuff work clean laundry...and a book...on top of it...I must make it all levitate. Im so lazy...

back to robots....let me ask you some more questions....Do you this age..where we rely on chat,blogs,forums,emails etc to communicate...that we could be desensitzed (oh god I can't spell) into forming bonds with robots that are being designed to have Presonalities??? should I never watch AI or the Matrix again??? should I stop this madness??? w hy give robots emotions? you know what the marketing guy said? It is synthesized human contact...

ok. I don't think we need Anything Else Standing In The Way of Human Contact! Do you see where I am going here??? So Instead of being a good neighbor...I will bond with my robot. In stead of playing catch with my boy...I'll send him outside to play with his robot.


I think people are stressed out because we are believing so many outlandish myths about our existence with one another. Im not slamming Electric Connections. Because I love you folks...Ive met the most beautiful people Ever..this way..Im just saying...

we don't need to bond with robots...we need to take better care of one another.

but isn't that Asimo cuuuuute?

ok. I know I know...Im going.



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