Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy


I feel an absence. I understand it. I just feel it. it sucks.

What else sucks? the new garment bags they suck..they really really suck.

My employees. they suck. they keep forgetting they are actually getting Paid to work. Paid to work! they think their showing a favor..they are doing...for me. They Suck.

my computer chair. yeah. it sucks too.

Black Gesso. now that...That Freaking Rules! My Black Lace Cheeky Panties...They Rule Too!


I think I may have to work 14 hours tomorrow. suckage.suckage.suckage.

On an existential level I suppose Im fine. I suppose if I really take a life is boring..though somehow,it manages to be extremely stressfull,but not totally catastrophic. It's like these are the salad I should quit bitching.

but bitching rules. does.

I suck. because Im so not inspired right now. oh man. I have chocolate over there sitting on my stereo. Life just got even less bad....

uhmm Im going for now. Im either going to fall dead asleep or Im going to come back here and actually type something worth reading. :)

Hug me. Love me. kiss me. take me.

Im up.


11:16 p.m. :: 0reverb, ::
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