Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

mean people day and my heart is filling up with sand

Day 6 of work this week. I realized today that thanks to my boss' boss will be working non-stop this week and weekend. so I'll only Whine a little bit :) Day six of work this week and it is only Monday. I still have tues-fri to go. Today was Mean People Day. And they must've all taken a bus in from Mean People Land because They came in one after the other from 8:30-9:30. Thank You so much Mean People for giving me just the motivation I needed to say Fuck a whole bunch of times :)

anyway. the Geese which inhabit the area around my abode had five babies!

let's see what else is noteworthy..oh yeah I made a banner because I just want more attention. The eyes reminded me of Me. so that is why I chose it. the Jackson Pollock picture I chose just wasn't reading right with the I went with the eyes. It isn't very creative..I'll grant you that...but to is just about getting as much love in my corner as possible. ...or even...genuine well thought out disdain :)

I need a Lost Weekend. One complete with my arm slung around the only person that matters and polaroids to prove to me later that I was even there. If I could I would. I would get on a plane on friday afternoon at 330pm and be there just in time to get food and lose my mind...lose it..and bury it in some obscure corner of the Las Vegas Desert.

and all I really wanted to say is that I Love You.

And I don't take very good care of you.

not from here. not from all the way over here.

I saw a shooting star last night. I forgot to wish for a million dollars. I just wanted you to be ok.

I can't save the world...I keep forgetting. I can only save me...and bring a few along...

Im going to go and try and sleep now...even though I don't believe I want to sleep tonight. someone tell me where I should tell my heart to dreams in dreams or back in my pocket..

warm sunshine,laughter that surprises you,embraces that heal you


11:08 p.m. :: 0reverb, ::
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