Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

here is my system configuration

seastreet provided this little quiz...


-- Name:Jen or Jenna or Aunt Jenny or Jennifer Lyn or Jennifer or one fine honey

-- Birth date: 15 February 1972

-- Birthplace: Niagara Falls, NY

-- Current Location: Virginia

-- Eye Color: Hazel

-- Hair Color: brownish-reddish

-- Height: I HATE THIS. 5 foot 7

-- Righty or Lefty: Righty.

-- Zodiac Sign: Aquarius


-- Your heritage: My Mother's side of the family comes from the Island of Sicily (don't mess with me)my grandfather's ancestors were fishermen and my grandmother's ancestors were monks,nuns,and carnival performers.My Father's side of the family is German. The story goes that my ancestors were big in the manufacturing of goods and fled germany to escape hitler. those that didn't make it out...were killed. They weren't Jewish just stubborn; too stubborn to give up anything they had built. If you knew my would So understand that. Apparently my last name is Big in's everywhere on big signs of big buildings.

-- The shoes you wore today: my (one of two pairs of)platform black slides

-- Your weakness: Books. music. people. coffee. chocolate. pasta.

-- Your fears: boys and failure.

-- Your perfect pizza: no cheese,thin crust,artichoke hearts,olive oil,olives,peppers,sun dried tomatoes,egg plant,and red onions :)

-- Goal you'd like to achieve: I'd like to be debt free, I'd like to make a significant contribution to the world around me,and I'd like to be a massage therapist.


-- Your most overused phrase on AIM: omg,awesome,hahaha,right,cool,Im thirsty

-- Your thoughts first waking up: "Where am I supposed to be right now?" (that is seastreet's answer but I So Empathize)

-- Your best physical feature: I have been told my hands are espcecially pretty when Im painting...I have a big butt for a white girl :)

-- Your bedtime: Depends on the shifts Im working...sometimes I just don't bother...I mean really ..what is the point :)

-- Your most missed memory: I don't remember to miss lost memories, and the ones I have aren't going anywhere.

(again I couldn't top this one!)


-- Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi.

-- McDonald's or Burger King: chesapeake bagel bakery (gazpacho to go!)

-- Single or group dates: Neither.

-- Adidas or Nike: Oh the poor malasian children...

-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Tetley!

-- Chocolate or vanilla: If you're talking about ice cream, vanilla.

-- Cappuccino or coffee:Carmel Macchiatio Soy...iced or warm...yummmm


-- Smoke: gave it up but I sure do miss it

-- Cuss: I said Fuck Fuck Fuckity Fuck three times yesterday

-- Sing: All the time...but extremely loudly in the shower and in my car :)

-- Take a shower everyday: 5 days a week.

-- Have a crush(es): Yes

-- Do you think you've been in love: Oh Yes

-- Want to go to college: Yep

-- Like(d) high school: I was more than happy to go to magnet and study theater...home school was not any fun at all...I was a social outcast...

-- Want to get married: oh god I have no idea...I really think im fine with co-habitating until I die or lose my memory completely...really..

-- Believe in yourself: I believe I could be a much better version of myself if I wasn't so lazy lately

-- Get motion: where do I get that?

-- Think you're attractive: sometimes I think I am...most of the time I don't

-- Think you're a health freak: nah...I do like my veggies though...

-- Get along with your parent(s): being an adult and dealing with my parents is so way out bizarre. I am always vacilating between them desperately needing my gentle help to being called a fat cow loser...Odd and Lovely and Dark are they.

-- Like thunderstorms: Had a Great One last night

-- Play an instrument: My brain is losing it's way but my fingers remember the piano...


In the past month...

-- Drank alcohol:save

-- Smoked: fire it

-- Done a drug: Nope.

-- Had Sex: Im

-- Made Out: Nope.

-- Gone on a date: Nope.

-- Gone to the mall?: My Level of Hell is Not Seven It is The Mall

-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: ewwww a whole box...nooooo

-- Eaten sushi: nope

-- Been on stage: Nope.

-- Been dumped: no thank god...

-- Gone skating: No.

-- Made homemade cookies: Yes :)

-- Gone skinny dipping: I take baths

-- Dyed your hair: No.

-- Stolen anything: no



-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: Yeah.

-- If so, was it mixed company: Yeah.

-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: I have a very expensive bra hanging up in a bar in long island someplace...

-- Been caught "doing something": Yeah.

-- Been called a tease: not in a long time

-- Gotten beaten up: not lately

-- Shoplifted: No.

-- Changed who you were to fit in: I am guilty of such a transgression


-- Age you hope to be married: Please Im way past my use by date

-- Numbers and Names of Children: See above.

-- Describe your Dream Wedding: Vegas. Elvis. this has been my plan since I was 15.

-- How do you want to die: quickly

-- Where you want to go to college: there is a massage therapy school in NYC that can have one Internationally Certified in Six Months.

-- What do you want to be when you grow up: I want to save the world

-- What country would you most like to visit: Italy and germany


In a guy/girl..

-- Best eye color? Don't care.

-- Best hair color? Don't care.

-- Short or long hair: both are very workable

-- Best height: I have no preference

-- Best weight: again no preference...skinny..husky..doesn't matter to me

-- Best articles of clothing: NAKED and/or something Leather

-- Best first date location: Earth.

-- Best first kiss location: my body/his body


-- Number of tattoos: One. peace in japanese to the left of my belly button

-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: A couple.

-- Number of scars on my body: from knee surgery..a few from falling..the rest..hmmm...

-- Number of things in my past that I regret: Every time I sounded like an ass. In other words, thousands.(me too!)

-- Number of drugs taken illegally:I have never even smoked a joint. Im so totally vanilla.

-- Number of people I could trust with my life: I trust me.

-- Number of CDs that I own: 300

-- Number of piercings: just my nose ring didn't work out (boohoo!!!!)

Love and Peace


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