Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy


It's ok. It's ok how things turn out. and it's alright that things get odd. and there's no shame in being who you are...because everyone is learning as they go. so drink your water or don't. be a size 16 or don't. think small. think big. think. don't bother to think at all. make that phone call. don't bother to answer. just be true to you. and the rest works itself out.

It all works out...Carie is does always work out. one way or another if you are still reaching then you can still choose.

crawl through the sunshine of your days and nights and claw your way through the thick foggy winds of your darkness...

"You may as well just go for it...why your re-incarnated life you won't remember any of this!" -exhaust


My step mom's mum is still really the fam decided to forego the usual easter festival which usually takes place at my step nanna's casa and everyone has stayed and my bro D are hanging out later...Hooray:)

for now Im off to paint and clean up the place...Im off tomorrow too...and all because I thought the ben harper concert was tomorrow night. june 16th..and..which..Im going to attend. I just love him :)hahahaha...Im off two days in a row :)

Yay me!

Love peace and chocolate

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