Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

gutter is a tool

Last Entry for the day ..maybe..

I was just watching the local news and they were interviewing some protestors in downtown Norfolk. Our local protests have been pretty lame and considering that this is a Big Military Town..I dont see them getting any bigger.

But. For the Love of Peace Protestors worldwide..why do the Local Protestors have to be so bloody Ignorant?? They were talking to one young guy...wearing his gap outfit..and his 150 dollar glasses..and his docs...what he stands for and what he was doing there protesting: "we are anti-capitalist,anti-authoritativeness,anti-militaristsness,and we want the world to know it.."

you dumbasses. you dont even know what you are talking about. At Least KNow Why You have gone to protest Please!

(ie: PCU..good movie.."we're not gonna protest!")

ok. Im going to work now

Peace...and know why


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