Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

heart sutra

what a strange couple of days...

Ive been meaning to sit down and write...but i put it off for things like...listening to music and reading Essential Tibetan Buddhism by Robert Thurman.

the latter of which confirms that the one psychic that I have ever spoken to was right about me; in my last life (if such a thing exists) I was an ancient oracle....a healer. Its all I have ever wanted to be.

Heal Thyself. thats what Ive heard whispered to me in dreams while i sleep.

heal thyself indeed. bury the hatchet. give it a resting place. let the blood dry and become part of the earth again. say a few words. and leave some flowers.

Once a year remember that fight. And thank god that you made it out alive.

let me write these words; I wonder if I can really mean them enough one save myself and to truly live up to my full potential...

May I be the doctor and the medicine
And may I be the nurse for all sick beings in the world Until everyone is healed.

May a rain of food and drink descend to clear away the pain and thirst and hunger and during the eon of famine may I myself turn into food and drink.

May I become an inexhaustible treasure for those who are poor and destitute; may I turn into all things they could need and may these be placed close beside them.

May I be a protector for those without one, a guide for all travelers on the way; may i be a bridge, a boat, and a ship for all who wish to cross the water.

-Shantideva's Bodhisattva Vow

for all the wrongs Ive done and all those that I have wronged....forgive me.

Love and Peace more reason to call Stuart cool..Death and love are the only things which give our lives direction, but I'm unsure whether finding love is just another extrinsic target like graduation or promotion or finding a job,

10:35 p.m. :: 0reverb, ::
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