Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

oh jen just shut up

I went in like I normally do..looking to see who was there..I saw some familiar faces and took my place.

It only takes one bastard to piss me off so I tell him off. g gives me the nod...darn right..Im right. I hate it when people make fat jokes...I had a pretty stupid reaction but...anyway...bastard's date arrived so off he went someplace else anyway...and I thought I had tucked it away...the attitude...

that bitch of an attitude. the conversation turns silly and instead of just drinking my martini and mellowing out...i turn my head in disbelief. feel like a bastard for being in a mouthy mood. and just walking out.

sometimes you just have to know when to shutup and sip your drink or better just stay home.


everyone be well and Have Fun


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