Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

I feel more than I want to

Talking politics alot lately and I keep thinking to myself...Im so completely unsure. I feel like no matter which way we vote things are going to get worse,stay the same, or slowly vine. Vine. coil around the oxygen supply.

Greg said tonight,and I agree, that if people arent willing to sacrifice...if we aren't willing to work a people...than nothing will change. We will keep going through this...every four years.

so lets not get too comfortable. lets not make it so easy for things to go on like this.

Im restless and worried.

Overall. thats me. restless and worried.

C and I had dinner tonight.I try to be sensitive...he is a republican...a passionate one. It was a good night out...We had collosal amounts of food. and I had a newcastle. whats sad? I could've eaten and eaten and eaten.

Thats got me a little concerned about myself. I can binge and not feel a thing lately. Im a heffer. And its got to stop.

so anyway.

Love and Peace

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