Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

Jason's right,Indifference,and puck you

For a good laugh and insight that is very well presented please click the As The J Turns link over there in my links section: I laughed my fool ass off first and nodded in furious agreement next. its worth it. read it.

He rocks.

It's just one Vote right?

So far We have registered about 40 women to vote at the store. It has been an exciting experience and I can only hope that more come in and register.

so Jen how are you?

I feel so harsh lately. Sometimes I think the frustration and anger that I push down out maneuvers me; it assumes command and I can be so cold. I need so much space sometimes. sometimes i want the planet to myself. I want to be loved and let alone. its a strangeness I manage to balance most of the time. but...

Sometimes Indifference feels good because it feels like nothing. Does that make sense to you?

anyway. jeez.

Im glad that you are having a good better be having lots of fun. making out. eating good food. laughing. trusting. growing. falling.

properly mourning the loss of Hockey.

do it for me kids. do it for me.

i really shouldnt've bothered to post

Im taking my indifference to bed with me. I plan on listening..then I plan on wrestling with it until it says uncle.



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