Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

Instead of our money..we thought we'd give our Sweat Equity

Break my body hold my bones hold my bones

I should be in bed. Im tired. my niece showed up like 5 minutes after I got home from work...It was the best sight I could've had. And those hugs? worth the agony of the day. for sure :)

the night was strangely nice..considering how humid it is. I felt like sleeping outside...on some soft grass. The Moon was red...

Im too tired to tell you about the lyrical view I had from my car tonight.

Im too spent to tell you that three more people have registered to vote in my store....

And that I planted anti-bush propaganda all over the place at work.

ahhahahahahahaaaa. maybe 1984 wasn't the best thing to be reading lately.

When do I read it? 15 minutes a day before anyone else gets to work.


I bought a machiatto today. my first in a long time. and I can't believe that I ever spent that much money on what is essentially...3 shots of espresso and soymilk.

And now Im getting a sleepy headache.

And I'm thinking of you dear readers...and Im wondering how you are....beyond the words of yours that Ive read.

on with the pajamas. its the pillow and silence for me.....

Love and Peace

11:27 p.m. :: 0reverb, ::
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