Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy


My window is open..just to let in some air...albeit..warm humid wet air. The sky here it seems is perpetually grey...Im starting to enjoy it. There is something quiet to me...about filtered sunlight.

My elderly neighbor is playing Mozart's fine Opera The Magic Flute...I love it..although Don Giovanni is my Favorite...The Magic Flute runs a close second. Its the perfect backdrop for this moment in time..this misty skied moment...the edge of time bending..from morning to afternoon...

I watched a simply awful movie this morning: 2010. Yes. I finally saw the movie made to answer all the questions stirred up by 2001. 2010 was made in 1984 (Reagan+Cold War=this movie) and basically....Russian Scientists and American Scientists go up in space to where The Discovery (the ship from 2001) is still hovering about near a Giant Monolith. They wake up Hal 9000 and basicaly find out that Hal malfunctioned because of the US Government. Then. The last astronaut to communicate from outside of the Discovery all those long years ago...Bowman (oh god its all full of stars!) starts appearing and warning everyone to Leave In Two Days. Then he tells Hal to send a message to earth..and its just anti-climactic. But. I bet. In 1984...people were moved by it. Considering that Nuclear War was supposed to break out at any given moment. Oh and in the movie 2010...war had broken out between the usa and russia and The Message...ended the war.

I remember the cold war in the '80's. Its profound marketing was compounded by all of my religious indoctrination. Jesus was coming any minute now. Or the bomb was going to drop any minute now. An Arab with a blue turbon...The Anti-Christ...was going to start torturing us..any minute now. No Joke.

Anyway....the skies have opened...and its raining...again :)

Moving on

I read something really cool in the Village Voice,. Apparently for the past couple of years a program called Mental Health Court, has been having much success in getting treatment for the mentally ill...this versus sending them to prison...seems to be working out really well.

Its So Wonderful. Not Perfected Yet but Truly...a Great Idea. Just reading the article and seeing the numbers of those that are Ill that are in Prison..where they get staggering.

Mental Illness is in fact real. And they don't belong in Jail.

And that is your uplifting thought for today :)

time is burning. so Im off to enjoy my day off seeing as I started this entry at 11:59

and its now 12:48 :)

Everyone Be well


11:51 a.m. :: 0reverb, ::
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