Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

Dear fargin bastage

July...Im not going to miss you at all. Im glad that you are almost over. I don't know what right you had to come into my life and make such a could've at least used the windex on the windows..I just don't think that that is too much to ask. I can't see anything at all; cleaning this is going to take me forever.

You are harsh and hot and dangerous and Im done with you. Ive had enough of you. You come along every year with false promises of great moonlit escapades but all you bring....all you see fit to give me this year is all of my Bad Karma in 21 days.


go away July.

And by the way I thank you for the new Dave Sedaris book that was marked down 40%.

I guess I can't totally hate you....

Next Year Im skipping you altogether.



an autumn girl

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