Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy


these are the wasted hours. the ones my body takes away from me. the ones that my creativity and sense of adventure must be sacrificed for. over burning coals. blood swimming around the thoughts in my head...falls out of my soul and into my bed. silence of only lie to hypnotize me.

Fireflies illuminate. Frog speak stretches across the wet night ground like silk red ribbons until all you can hear are tiny webbed leaping foot prints.

Stray birds unfulfilled with flying all day seek out one last watch of their airspace. sweet songs are military exercises. never be fooled.

silence of night. you lie only to hypnotize me.

you have everything that is the best of everything..tucked into your mystery.

night blooming jasmine,cured by the moon and rebel butterflies, fills tea cups in the morning..with nothing less...than wanting.

everyone knows. the sun...loves to whisper...

moon...captor of the sun's truth and stillness...

where are you hiding?


12:09 a.m. :: 0reverb, ::
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