Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

Why do you walk?

I don't have words today. I have images.


1.women wearing burkas resting on the bodies of their slain children. and an american flag is behind them.Upside down.

2.Men in electric chairs with a sign behind them baring the images of animals in cages about to be euthanized that says..."don't worry they don't feel a thing..."

These are two paintings that I want to paint. I have a funky wall inside crippling my ability to get them done. I don't even know if Im good enough to get the exact image out. what i really need to do is take my time instead of rush it. I need to sketch them until my hands and my brain understand eachother. I need to decide which one will go on the big canvas and which one will go on the smaller one. and i should probably do it outside.

its beyond nice today. its Perfect.

I have the next two days off (yay Me) and although Im a useless piece of feminist for not being at the March on Sunday...I hope what I am doing...will be fruitful.

I am against this war. and the death penalty makes no more sense than lethal injection does. i remember supercilious and I talking about the contradiction of being so against the death penalty and war yet being Pro-choice. and i guess i have to ask myself...why i am.

I am because I know women were murdered by butchers for money before it was legal. I am because young girls are raped by their fathers and knocked up. I don't think that abortion is our biggest problem. There are greater crimes committed against those children that have made it into this world than those that haven't.

and you all know the story about me. my mother was given a choice in 1972...go to an alley doctor with $800 bucks or take your chances,trust god, and have the fourth child. She took her chances...and here I am. I know the value of life. I know that it must be the most horrible experience of a woman's decide to end the life of her child willingly.

I stand with no judgements against anyone that has ever gone through it. I never will.

So i guess there is no logical explanation out of the contradiction. I wish that abortion never existed to tell you the truth. But it does. and no matter what they try to tell you....You can't legislate things away.

its here. Let's keep it legal. Let's protect what life is here. i had a few words. and for those going on Sunday. you have my deepest admiration and respect. you are the real heroes in a time of such inaction.


Some stood up once and sat down, some walked a mile and walked away. Some stood up twice then sat down, Ive had it,they said.

Some walked and walked and walked. The walked the earth. they walked the waters. they walked the air.

Why do you walk they were asked

Because of the children, they said, and because of the heart, and because of the bread. Because the cause is the heart's beat and the children born and the risen bread.

"In loving memory-Mitchell Snyder" by Daniel Berrigan

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