Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy


Here are the first three questions I received from the lovely and talented exhaust.

1.If you could replace your hands with two things, what would they be?

One hand a paint brush. The other a quill pen.

2. Have you already picked out the names of your children? If so, what are they?

For a girl Bella or Aurora Shane and for a boy Dylan Thomas (after you know who) or Matthew Garrison. These have been modified over the years..the first ever names I ever picked out? Ophelia and Algernon.

3. You life is a Choose Your Own Adventure book, what page does the ending start at?

I guess I would want my own adventure end on page 1 million and seven. because I have let too much adventure pass me by.

You ask brilliant questions and Im going to miss you around here...Hugs Love Peace

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