Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

It always ends with a book...

meh. Hurricane Madness. Isabel is being so fickel. 12 feet swells in the tide...95 mile an hour winds..that I can deal with. Ive been through a category 2. Me and the puppy and everyone else will just hang out upstairs....and watch the oddities float by in their canoes.

Just so you know...If ever you are near me and a natural disaster is on its way...I will have the evacuation route highlighted,the emergency food stuffs and supplies and organized in those glad plastic container things,and enough water to open up my own little water store. :) Im not one of those really cool people that stock up on beer and smokes and pizza.

to further shed light on my dorkiness:

I watched Microcosms this morning. Great Movie. Gawwwd is it Amazing. And Im not one for Insects,Bugs,what have you (i know there is a difference I just don't care :)]..I still haven't seen winged migration..because Im afraid they will inevitably show some poor goose or duck suffering or dieing..and I just can't take that.

Do You See I Am Weak!

that is the biggest draw back to me...Im just weak man. weak.

Anyway. Im freaked out about this Hurricane. blah blah blah.

I have some great recommends for Children's Books or maybe more young teen books:

The Earth,My Butt,and other Big Round Things by Carolyn Mackler

God the title alone is Perfect! The main character of this book is 15 year old Virginia Shreves. She evolves from being voiceless in family paradigm (is that the right word?) to communicating her emotions in person..the way she does on paper (lists,journals,emails). Im definitely getting this for my niece and I hope she gets into it.

Neil Gaiman Fans---The Wolves in The Walls---a picture book for the pre-teen to teen set---the main character is Lucy,she hears noises coming from inside the walls. There are wolves in the walls...they come out..the family flees and decides to go back and take their house back.

Pretty cool and its Neil Gaiman...its like.that is enough.

so..Im out for now...time for work...



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