Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

The Six Strings

i want an almond joy.

I don't know if Im a hypechondriac or just someone too afraid to go to the I have compounding problems. cysts keep persisting and are popping up everywhere.

Probably just a thing.

Im sure it will just go away.

It's like..Really REally Windy. but that's ok. It chills the air. And that make Me Very Happy.

Im a horrid person. A horrid person that holds onto the past. A horrid person that believed sending minute emails to someone was somehow harmless because..well..Im so sweet. It isn't sweet. That is just me apparently...not letting it go.

so ok. I get it. you won't hear a peep out of me. I promise. but I don't know how you are going to find out minute things out without me. just have to burn the garbage in your life...simply ignoring it doesn't work.

moi-the garbage.

One thing that everyone should know about me that is totally pathetic:

1. I got really tired of hearing from people in highschool... like dead sick and tired of it. I was tired of hearing the voices of people I never really got along with 13 years ago (!) shrill and vain...detailing the most republican of 'life-since' stories. So I posted on I had gotten a masters degree and had seen the world from the dim view of an old pick up truck....Yeah.. I don't sounded good..and I think I had had alot of candy that day. Well I heard from A first....she and I don't talk anymore. At all. She left me a message saying that she was preggers again...and that she was very upset. A should work for the CIA...Really. So out of fear for her peace of mind I call her...completely forgetting..that I am now a Master of Anthropolgy,World Travel,and a Ford F150. "So you have a master's degree?" she says. "huh?" I say in clever retort.

"You have a master's degree right? I saw it on Classmates!" she said getting a bit doubtful now. "oh shite" I say to myself. "No way I don't...what are you talking about?"

"that's ok Jen..Im not really pregnant I just knew there was no way you had a master's degree in Anything! and by the way...B (the drummer) is a really rich girl..."

Shoulda seen it coming. I realized in that moment what a dufus I was for ever feeling the need to be something False. And for Ever trusting Anyone that is habitually Untrustworthy. The fact that the Drummer was married...just made me pause..and pray for the bride's credit record.

I thought about that on August 30th.

The 31st was a brand new day..and the omen laid asleep...It was undisturbed by any shred of common sense I may have.

and then someone told a story about a two dollar bill. I remember the first story about that two dollar bill. And I feel like I know how hard it is.....

I know what that feels like.

So Anyway. I know this is mostly Blah Blah Blah

but ...I Love You All...

so you should just love me anyway...

Les Seis Cuerdas

The guitar makes dreams weep.The sobbing of lost souls escapes through its round mouth. And like the tarantula it spins a large star to trap sighs floating it its black,wooden water tank.


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