Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

Punk Rock Superman

I thought I saw you today. I thought I saw you with this really cool girl. I thought you had trashed your elite pair of kacky shorts and your blue baseball cap for a mohawk. I wasn't even jealous of her. I was happy for you. I was celebrating inside...all to myself..for your victory.

I don't know what you ever saw in me. Im so out there. Im never. I remember once you wrote "will Jen ever draw or write anything normal?" and I guess I won'

I think I just. sometimes. I just want to see you. And Im forgetting you. I work very hard to hear your voice. and I know those eyes. those brown eyes. as lovely as glass.

I know you are happy. Or I genuinely Hope that you are. and that Real True Love has finally set you free.

completely unrelated: I think..and I know Im late....donnie darko..finally saw it..and Im in love with it.

the rain stopped. the clouds,ominous as they were,are gone. my dog needs walking.

all my frustation from work...mostly with trying to work itself out...out of me.

so I'll walk. and I think I'll walk until Im exhausted.

no. Im too lazy.

Im a lazy mutha. that is going to be the end of me.

tonight.I wish I had someone expecting something of me. something I could actually do.

Im jealous of how you are out. having fun. making out. and feeling sweet. :)

nah. not really. it makes me really happy.

Im off for now.


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