Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

they should have given one of these to Chopin...

Anyone remember Moog Cookbook?

Ive been restless and stressed out this week (and its only wednesday) therefore Overdosing on Music. I can't sit still to Ive been burning cds and digging through what I do have and realizing in my hurried state..that I need more.

so off to find some Moog Cookbook downloads I go.

Today's Shallow Desires:

1.A Moog

2. A Piano

3.A volkswagon passat

4.A day trip to the princeton library

5.A Bass Guitar

6. Winter

7.A Band

8.A Pizza from Doraldo's (unreal...about as close to what you would find in NYC as we can get down here...bella bella)

9.A Jaguar and A Driver

10.A miraculously (and magical) singing voice

a dream is a wish your heart makes...

happy wednesday


11:43 a.m. :: 0reverb, ::
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